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616 - Having a Business Mentor

If you want to become successful in business, there’s no better place to start than talking to someone who has already achieved success. Learn more about mentoring in this episode.
Slow dialogue: 1:16
Explanations: 3:15
Fast dialogue: 19:00
Alex: Where are you going?
Kenya: I’m going to meet my business mentor.
Alex: Your business mentor? What do you do with a business mentor?
Kenya: Well, my mentor is like an advisor. We meet regularly and I get her feedback and guidance with my ideas on starting a business.
Alex: Oh, so you’re her protégé?
Kenya: No, I’m not. I simply go to her with my ideas and she helps me hash them out. She’s a successful entrepreneur and I’m there to learn from her experience.
Alex: How did you get her to be your mentor? Were you already friends?
Kenya: No, I contacted her out of the blue, actually. I’ve read about her company and her many successes, and I wrote her a letter telling her about me and what I hope to accomplish. She agreed to meet with me, and at that first meeting, we really clicked and now we meet once a month.
Alex: That’s very generous of her. What does she get out of it?
Kenya: I’m not sure, but I think she enjoys giving me pointers and sharing her expertise. I’m very appreciative and she says I remind her a lot of herself when she was my age. I take that as a huge compliment.
Alex: You should. If you’re like her, you’ll be a multi-millionaire in no time flat.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   20:51, 9.6 Мб
добавлен 13.09.10 11:00

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