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617 - Buying Bathroom Supplies

Is your bathroom missing something? Find out what it might be in this episode.
Slow dialogue: 1:14
Explanations: 2:57
Fast dialogue: 15:49
Jan: We’re almost done. We just need to get some bathroom supplies for Kimberly.
Tim: Okay, here are some towels, a bathmat and a bathroom scale. Don’t forget the cleaning supplies. She’ll need some rubber gloves, disinfectant, bowl cleaner, and a plunger.
Jan: All right. We have all that. Where are you going?
Tim: She’ll need a soap dish and a toothbrush holder. She’ll need a trashcan, too.
Jan: Okay, I think we’re all done. Kimberly is moving into an apartment with college roommates, not starting her own bathroom supply store. Let’s not go overboard.
Tim: I just need to get a couple more things.
Jan: What?
Tim: I’m buying her 10 packages of toilet paper and 20 boxes of Kleenex. She’ll be living on her own for the first time and she’ll need all that.
Jan: Ten packages of toilet paper and 20 boxes of Kleenex?! She can shop for herself, you know. You don’t need to buy her a six-month supply.
Tim: Clearly you don’t know college students. They’ll go through that in a week!
Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   17:34, 8.1 Мб
добавлен 17.09.10 11:00

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