Главная : Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast :

Cornell Woolrich: It Had To Be Murder (Part 1 of 2)

I began scheming for the one hundredth podcast several weeks ago, thinking that I'd gather all the voices that were most important to me, personally and podcastionally, share the wealth and spread the love, and, let's be honest, go soak on a beach in a land where all the drinks are pink, while all my friends hang out in the trenches of pops and hisses.
But what I got back from my various requests, at all sorts of sound levels and all levels of craziness (at least, auditorily speaking), a veritable catalogue of every variety of background buzz, white noise, and telephony thrum... well, it's rather perfect (or so I think, and I'm the lord of this podcast, so that's the law here.)
Of course, very few of my lovely readers have voices that might be mistaken for mine, but otherwise: there are glasses clinking, there are sirens, from time to time there's an inner-ear-awakening pop, there's a dog barking, and there's even a classic Miette moment (patent-pending) of a lost-page expletive (thank you; it made my day). And while the unedited transitions between variance of white noise may be jarring, if you listen a little more closely, perhaps it will be for you like it is for me, approximating the feeling of being told a bedtime story by a dozen crazy uncles and aunts, the kind who let you watch horror movies and eat pancakes for dinner.
Alex, Ben, Dream, Heidi, Hugh, Jen, Marc, Miette, Philip, Scott, Sebastien, and Valerie's Bedtime Story PodCAST:

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   42:23, 38.8 Мб
добавлен 20.02.06 23:02

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