Главная : Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast :

Jack Kerouac: New York Nite Club

Quite possibly the quietest, most listless, bottomless podcast of Kerouac you've ever experienced, this. Possibly? Quite possibly. But not without due charm on its own, and intent at that! For listen: do you hear the passing buses in the background, the motorcycles, the car horns, the screaming pedestrians?
Neither do I. Wicked, right? Very exciting, indeed. So much so that we don't want to spoil it by raising our voices, right?
Miette's Bedtime Story QuietCast: Jack Kerouac: New York Nite Club

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   05:21, 2.5 Мб
добавлен 08.09.05 02:16

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