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Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast

Выходит с 19 февраля 2005 года
Автор: samsung

Подкастов: 186

Последняя запись: 06.01.11 11:22

Janet Frame: Prizes

I'm going to keep this one short, because you really ought to be phoning your mothers right about now.  And tidying your rooms.  And standing up straight.  And not talking with your mouths full.  And not wasting your money on chewing gum and nosejobs.  And not making that face, unless you want it to get stuck that way.  So go and give her a ring, unless your face is stuck that way and your mouth is full, in which case, send her an ostentatious blinky e-card and call it a day.
But!  There will be NO phoning your mother until you've cleaned your plate and listened to this:

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   19:05, 17.5 Мб
добавлен 14.05.06 08:44

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