Главная : The French Pod Class :

FrenchPodClass #62

C'est un podcast special - Shorter than usual. So imagine you go out, and
meet a group of French "party animals" ... want to understand ? Pas de
probleme avec le FrenchpodClass 62!

- 1st part: New topic: Going out and drink- the slangs!

- 2d part: Audio comment sur Les sorties la nuit - the slangs!

- Quick audio comment

- A book review and the Musical Break


If you liked the song played and/or book I talk about in this podcast, you
can purchase either one from Amazon.FR (France), .COM (USA) and
.CA (Canada),
iTunes Music Store (USA) even on eBay or find them at your local music
store. Here are the links to :

Amazon.FR : Luke (fr) - Mano Negra (fr) - Tryo (fr) - Boule et Bill (fr)

Amazon.COM : Luke (us) - Mano Negra (us) - Tryo (us) - Boule et Bill (us)

Amazon.CA : Luke (ca) - Mano Negra (ca) - Tryo (ca) - Boule et Bill (ca)

iTunes Music Store (USA) : Luke - Mano Negra




New transcript! Just grab it, and you
will see - there is a TOC (Table Of Content), some news that
will be given each week, and another page, with merchandise proposed,
.... and much more.


Ca faisait longtemps,mais, moi j'y pense toujours et n'ai pas oublie! On vote et on emet des avis sur podcastalley
yahoo podcast, or
It is important and useful.

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   27:30, 19.0 Мб
добавлен 13.11.06 20:04

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