Главная : The French Pod Class :

FrenchPodClass #61

Et bien ca alors! Everything is in French, either you want to
use a computer or want to buy / participate in a forum. What to do .....
heureusement, il y a le FrenchPodClass 61!
Le sommaire:
- Naviguer et Acheter sur
Internet (browsing & buying off the net) (part
- Grammar point (conjonctive phrases
ou les locutions de subordination)
- Movie review and musical break of the
If you liked the songs played and/or
movie I talked about in this podcast, you can purchase either one from Amazon.FR (France),
.COM (USA) and .CA (Canada),
iTunes Music Store (USA)
even on eBay or find them at your local music store. Here are the links:

Amazon.FR: C. Aznavour (fr)

Amazon.COM: C. Aznavour (us) - Fantomas (us)


C. Aznavour (ca) -

Fantomas (ca)

iTunes Music Store (USA) : C. Aznavour

(Note: the TV format and DVD region are different
in Europe; that is why I did not place the link for Amazon in France).

Enjoy -


Blog will soon "open "officially. Next
podcast will be some specials, to give me some time to clean what is around,
update the list of class, ...

En attendant, utiliser le nouveau
forum, votez sur podcastalley
yahoo podcast,

СКАЧАТЬ ВЫПУСК   31:53, 22.0 Мб
добавлен 15.10.06 01:14

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